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Monday, July 27, 2015

Quiet day

It has been a quiet day. The Silver Vixen had to make a trip to the dentist, and came back loaded with novocaine. GF spent the time on the computer, starting to collate the quantities of timber needed for the deck. He still has to turn the linear lengths into the optimised cutting list - but in the end there will be a minimum of 106 pieces of timber covering the surface, some 66 joists,  and loads of support beams.


Anonymous said...

Have you selected your timber supplier yet?
From personal experience I would suggest that you seek a recommendation from a trusted local tradesperson, or perhaps your landscaper.
There is some absolute rubbish out there and timber costs are now significant.
A couple of years ago I ordered in some grade A softwood from Travis Perkins and arrived to view several lengths of twisted, knot filled rubbish.
Needless to say, it was left in their racks.
Caveat emptor :-)

The Gorse Fox said...

Good advice. I certainly will be shopping around.